Catechetical Formation 

Catholics have a moral obligation to instruct themselves in the Faith. On this page are provided various resources to assist Catholics in deepening their understanding of the Catholic Faith. This pages provides links to various websites and multimedia to assist Catholics.

The Liturgy is the very centre of Catholic life. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most perfect act of religion. On this page we provide a variety of resources pertaining to the liturgy. There are resources provided for the laity as well as Priests. Resources to assist in learning the Traditional Latin Mass are also provided.

Liturgical Formation

Liturgical Formation

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation

The interior life is extremely important for Catholics. Catholics must pray, do penance and regularly read spiritual books to augment the life of grace. Catholics are called to unite themselves more closely to God and these resources are intended to assist Catholics in reaching their final end. 

Reparation is the act of offering satisfaction for sin, both ones own sins and the sins of others. Catholics can unite themselves closely to the salvific mission of Jesus Christ by making satisfaction for sin in union with him and His Eternal Sacrifice. This page provides various devotions of reparation specifically asked for by Heaven to assist Catholics in making reparation, 


Catechetical Formation 

Catholics have a moral obligation to instruct themselves in the Faith. On this page are provided various resources to assist Catholics in deepening their understanding of the Catholic Faith. This pages provides links to various websites and multimedia to assist Catholics.

Liturgical Formation

Liturgical Formation

The Liturgy is the very centre of Catholic life. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most perfect act of religion. On this page we provide a variety of resources pertaining to the liturgy. There are resources provided for the laity as well as Priests. Resources to assist in learning the Traditional Latin Mass are also provided.

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation

The interior life is extremely important for Catholics. Catholics must pray, do penance and regularly read spiritual books to augment the life of grace. Catholics are called to unite themselves more closely to God and these resources are intended to assist Catholics in reaching their final end. 


Reparation is the act of offering satisfaction for sin, both ones own sins and the sins of others. Catholics can unite themselves closely to the salvific mission of Jesus Christ by making satisfaction for sin in union with him and His Eternal Sacrifice. This page provides various devotions of reparation specifically asked for by Heaven to assist Catholics in making reparation,