Litany of the Saints – Latin
Litany of the Saints in Latin
The first of November is the Feast of all Saints in the Catholic Church. The Litany of the Saints is often sung on this feast day. The Saints of members of the church triumphant and they have reached the purpose of human existence, the beatific vision of Almighty God in Heaven. We are in constant need of their assistance in our daily tasks. It is not possible for each Saint to have a feast day, therefore we can honor all the Saints in Heaven on the feast of all Saints day. We must honor the Saints as this video explains. The video below is the Litany of Saints chanted in Latin. The example of the Saints heroic lives helps us strive towards perfection. Gregorian chant also forms an important part of Catholic Tradition and this emphasized by Sacrosanctum concilium at the Second Vatican council.
Video of the Litany of the Saints:
For the words please visit this link.