Ave Maria Press

David Allen White, R.I.P.

We at The Fatima Center are greatly saddened to learn of the passing of our long-time and dear friend, Professor David Allen White, who died yesterday, February 11th (the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes). Dr. White was a widely renowned educator, writer, and speaker whose deep faith permeated all aspects of his life [...]

Kolbe Report 1/18/25

This article is from The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation  Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Glory to Jesus Christ! One of the most difficult things for most academically-educated Catholics to accept is the reality that the molecules-to-man evolution myth triumphed over God’s Genesis Revelation not through empirical evidence but through deceptive iconography.  [...]

Kolbe Report 1/25/25

This article is from The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation  Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Pax Christi! In the ongoing struggle between the God-honoring pro-life movement and the forces of the anti-culture of death, terminology has proven to be a critical factor.  The success of the mass media in conditioning the public [...]

Kolbe Report 1/11/25

This article is from The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation  Dear Friends of the Kolbe Center, Christ is Baptized!  In the Jordan! A short time ago, one of our colleagues in Spain who defends the traditional Catholic doctrine of creation in his country interacted with a scientist who advises the Spanish Episcopal Conference.  [...]

Comments on Communion and Stewardship in relation to the Traditional Catholic Doctrine of Creation

This article is from The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation  At the outset, it is important to remember that the ITC serves in an advisory role to the Vatican and its "documents are not considered expressions of authoritative church teaching."  The document on Communion and Stewardship has to be evaluated in this context, [...]

The Catholic Teaching on Borders, Immigration, and Human Dignity

The Catholic Church upholds the dignity of every human person. Just as certainly, the Church acknowledges the inviolability of just laws. It also upholds the moral right and necessity of nations to secure their borders and enforce immigration policies. These teachings are not opposed, but rather they mutually support one another. If there are those [...]