Mass of the Ages – Exciting Documentary – 15 August 2021

Mass of the Ages Documentary Mass of the Ages is a documentary produced by a group of Catholics exploring the Traditional Latin Mass, formerly called the Extraordinary form. This documentary is a trilogy and the first episode will be live on the 15th of August at 8pm ET time in the USA, which is 2am [...]

2023-01-25T18:41:27+02:00Ave Maria Press, Liturgical Formation, Mass|Comments Off on Mass of the Ages – Exciting Documentary – 15 August 2021

Padre Pio on attending Holy Mass

Saint Padre Pio a Modern Day Mystic Saint Padre Pio is a great Catholic Saint who lived in the 20th Century. He was an extremely holy man and was one of the few Saints privileged to receive the stigmata of Christ, that is the wounds of Our Blessed Lord. He also had a great devotion [...]

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